Game mechanics, reputations mechanics and social mechanics are all baked in.
No more one-size-fits-all training. AI ensures each team member gets exactly what they need.
In just a few minutes per day your team will enjoy learning and mastering industry best training
Perry Kantzas
Ford DP
Increasing hours per RO to this degree has been a massive growth lever for us. The mobile app is the ultimate way to deploy this training. Staff loves it!
Dennis Long
Volkswagen GM
This training program has been a part of our culture since 2014 and has been a major part of our success!
Todd Bennett
Honda GM
Your systems helped my team achieve great success year after year and I will always be thankful for the solid foundation that they help me build.
Why should I bother with your MicroLearning app for my dealership?
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How does the MicroLearning app fit into my team's busy schedule?
How can I be sure that my investment in the MicroLearning app is paying off?
What makes the MicroLearning app stand out from other training options?